
Warsword conquest winds of magic
Warsword conquest winds of magic

warsword conquest winds of magic

Vrynn and gathering storm for a couple of particle effects Polloio for his dedication as community manager on modddb and taleworlds and for contributing quality new character creation blurbs as well as the new chaos dwarf voices. Much appreciation for his work on the world map frame rate too. Gsanders for the major undertaking of the diplomacy merge and for many other coding tricks and treats he has built up over the years. Marshal_157 for making some models and for his tireless pursuit of of optimisation to make the in battle framerates and loading times much faster than before, especially in heavy scenes. Without his time and dedication this release would not have been possible.īurspa (Paul Burston) for making the multitude of special effects for the magic system as well as some models. Kraggrim for a wealth of quality models including chaos (both original and ammendments of the Grim age models), chaos dwarf, beastmen, trolls, ogres, hobgoblins, chaos scenes, main menu image and many more throughout the mod. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.

warsword conquest winds of magic

If you notice that anyone that we have forgotten please contact a team member immediately. This is an honest and faithful attempt to list down all those who works have helped make warsword what it is over the last 8 years. Warhammer Fantasy Battle Reporter Forum for all the great Warhammer Army Books (fan made & unofficial). Warhammer online and Mark of Chaos PC games for model ideas etc and hours of fun playing time. A very BIG thank you to Games Workshop for making such a great Fantasy setting.

Warsword conquest winds of magic