
Images of a 357 magnum
Images of a 357 magnum

Have you had the chance to fire off one of these ultra-air-light-feather weight pocket revolvers? Using a full house. But with that strength comes a little extra weight. Strength is important even in a small gun. It is arguably one of the strongest of the breed of small framed snubbies. There are a lot of snub nosed revolvers out there to choose from, but out of them all the Ruger is unique. Thank you, Ben for changing my opinion of Ruger revolvers! With a little trigger work a Ruger can become quite a fine shooter. I had never really considered them to be anything more than just Rugged as hell. If that isn’t a testimony of strength, I don’t know what is. But it still worked and fired and reloaded with no problem. The gun was scratched and dinged up and had lost the rear sight, sure. During my police academy training, I was introduced to the Ruger GP100 by witnessing one (unloaded) being thrown up into the air, against a brick wall, and even it being run over with a police Impala and parking a front tire on it and turning the steering wheel lock to lock. I had always known Ruger wheelguns for being incredibly strong. With such a hammer one can not thumb cock the gun to make your shot single action, but the trigger being so smooth accurate shooting wasn’t effected at all. The hammer spur was bobbed making for a perfectly snag free gun suitable for concealed carry in just about any way one would think of packing it. Lots of power in such a small package is generally unpleasant, but the SP101 delivered all the power without any trouble and put it right where I wanted it. Even when firing off some of Ben’s custom made hand loads.

images of a 357 magnum

These two things made firing the little magnum a real hoot. This example of the SP101 family sported a nice trigger job that made the pull feel much lighter than it actually was, and soft Hogue rubber grips. The one gun that I really took to was Ben’s little bobbed SP101 in. At first, I had no real interest in them… but for one of the revolvers he had. Large and heavy hand cannons with long barrels suitable for taking down charging rhinoceroses. My mental image of Ruger wheel-guns was realized in three of the four guns. Usually when I thought of Ruger Revolvers, I would think of either that little Single Six, or huge hunting hand cannons. One fellow, Ben, brought in a small but impressive collection of some fine Ruger revolvers. Until recently when we had a little gathering of friends in Utah. I’ve never really cared for any Ruger arm or even really enjoyed shooting any Ruger since then. It was a great gun that taught me many valuable lessons about firearms ownership.

images of a 357 magnum

They have never struck me as being quite right in my hands, and being more of a S&W fan, they just came across as being the second fiddle. I have never really been a fan of Ruger firearms.

Images of a 357 magnum